Why Do I Have to Take an Antibiotic Before My Dental Appointment?
At Avalon Dental Care, safeguarding our patients’ health and wellbeing is a primary concern during any dental procedure. That is why, in some cases, we may recommend antibiotics prior to your dental appointment, a practice known as antibiotic prophylaxis. Talk to your trusted team at Avalon Dental Care if you are unsure whether you require antibiotics before dental treatment.
Why Do Some of Our Patients Require Antibiotics Prior To Dental Treatment?
Oral bacteria can sometimes enter the bloodstream during dental procedures. For most people, that does not pose a health risk. However, In some cases, bacteria entering the bloodstream can cause an infection of the heart lining or valves, a condition known as infective endocarditis. Having orthopedic implants, including artificial joints or metal plates or rods, may also elevate the risk of infection.
Do You Need Antibiotics Before Your Dental Treatment?
The American Heart Association recommends administering antibiotics to patients who would be in the most danger if they developed a heart infection. These include those with artificial heart valves, a history of infective endocarditis, a heart transplant that develops heart valve problems, or some serious heart defects. Moreover, The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery recommends that patients who previously had joint replacement surgery such as a knee, hip, or shoulder replacement also receive antibiotics before undergoing dental cleaning or treatment.
If you are at risk of serious infection, your trusted team at Avalon Dental care may recommend antibiotics before some dental procedures. Moreover, acute or chronic infection in the mouth, particularly when accompanied by fever or swelling, may require antibiotics before dental treatment.
Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles
Make sure to maintain meticulous oral hygiene practices. Regular brushing and flossing, consuming a healthy diet, and keeping up with your routine dental exams and cleanings at Avalon Dental Care will help keep your smile healthy and will prevent the need for many dental procedures down the road.
Quality Dental Care Near Me
Contact Avalon Dental Care, proudly serving the El Segundo and Lomita areas, to determine whether you require antibiotic prophylaxis. We are committed to providing our valued patients with exceptional care and service while ensuring their safety and wellbeing throughout any dental procedure. Call us and schedule your appointment today!